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Orientation/First Day Information
Needed Forms

E-forms one per family:

Paper form one per student (7th-12th grade):

Campus Floor Plans and Classroom Location

Door Prize Giveaway

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Math Refresher Courses


Mr. Soto's Math Refresher courses are now open for enrollment.


We have three levels to choose from this year:


Intro to Algebra will cover basic math concepts foundational to understanding Algebra. This class is ideal for those entering Pre-Algebra or Algebra 1. Tues/Thurs, Aug 20 & 22, 9-11 $40


Algebra Refresh will review concepts learned in Algebra 1 and is excellent preparation for those starting Geometry or Algebra 2 this year. Tues/Thurs, Aug 20 & 22 11-1 $40


Algebra Challenge is for those wanting to dive deeper into more advanced algebraic concepts. It is perfect for anyone preparing for state testing or college readiness tests such as the SAT or ACT or just those who love a challenge. Tues, Aug 27, 9-Noon $30


All of these are a great way to bridge the gap between the start of the school year and the start of NHA Math classes.

These are an excellent value at just $30-$40 for each course.


Because Zentangle is one of our most popular classes and it filled within just a few minutes, we have added a session of Zentangle on Zoom on Wednesdays at 10 AM with a lower price to $182.

Mrs. Baum teaches Zentangle on Zoom year round.  It works very well in that format and students love it. 


The Wednesday class will repeat the lesson taught in-person on Tuesdays.

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Sewing Machines Arrived

Our sewing machines are here.  We are excited to be able to offer sewing at NHA.

I am excited to announce that our music lesson line-up will expand to include drums. Dana Wendel is joining our team of talented music instructors. Dana will offer piano and guitar lessons in addition to drums. Sara will continue to offer piano and voice, and Gino will be back with guitar, ukulele, piano, and all brass.

Enrollment for Music Lessons will open Friday, July 12 at 10 AM to allow families to plan their schedules.  Course enrollment opens Monday July 15 at 10 AM.

This is our first-ever class designed specifically for those with different needs and abilities.  This hands-on class will be outside under the big tent at The Crossing at 12:30 which is our most academically rigorous hour of the day in our neurotypical classrooms. This class will offer simple STEAM-based projects using a variety of media including Lego builds, science projects, and art creations. Each class hour will be a stand-alone lesson.

The cooperative nature of the class will seek to pair developmentally delayed students with neurodivergent or neurotypical students capable of being a peer mentor. One thing I have noticed about some of our neurodivergent students who have struggled socially is that they have deep empathy for others who struggle. They are often not inhibited in interacting with special needs students who may have significant delays or other more obvious challenges. I think peer mentoring could be of benefit both to the high-functioning mentors and to our most challenged students who will need the extra help and often have very little opportunity to interact with peers.


The other cooperative aspect will be to pair neurodivergent students together to assist each other and potentially build organic friendships while also building knowledge. I often have parents who come to me seeking answers for neurodivergent children who are lonely and friendless and it is heartbreaking. We know that friendship has to develop organically so the hope is that this class could be a platform from which friendships could spring for socially challenged students.


This class will have limited opportunities for neurotypical students who have a desire to come alongside neurodivergent students to create a supportive team to complete projects.


This class will also need adult volunteers/parents to monitor and support all students as needed.

Graduation Signups

Spring Enrollment is Now Open
Classes start January 9

Returning students are guaranteed a spot in currently enrolled classes as long as they enroll prior to Nov 29.  New students enrolled prior to Nov 29 could be bumped if spots are needed for returning students.


There are a few notable changes between our fall and spring semesters.


 All classes will continue with new content except:

  • Lego will repeat with new students

  • Pokemon will repeat with new students

  • SEL will switch from high school to middle school

  • Musical Theater will switch from a workshop to play preparation and performance.  Our spring musical is Willy Wonka .


Chess Club will split into two sections. 

  • Gary Weston will coach beginning level students.   They will receive regular instruction and tips to help them improve their game. 

  • Ann Baum will lead intermediate students in tournament style play similar to our current class structure.


IEW Students

Students currently taking any section of IEW should continue in the same section.  Students do not move to a higher level at this time.


Elementary Social Studies Units

All three topics will continue with an additional 5 weeks of new content for spring.   Each unit is a total of 9 weeks broken between the two semesters.  

Homecoming Dance

When: November 18, 7-9 PM

Where: IronMile Gym, 3610 N. Freeway Blvd. #105

Age: 8th-12th grade

Who: Current and former NHA students + any homeschooled students and guests

Tickets: $10 available at Cornerstone Bible Church from 9:30-2:30 on Tuesdays starting Oct 31



Coming soon...

Make-up Picture Day DECEMBER 12


We will have photographers taking school pictures of students at The Crossing on December 12  starting at 9:30.

This picture day will be for students only.  No parents this time.
Picture packages are available for pre-order online at this link. 





For those who prefer, a printable order form is available here:

Present form to photographer on photo day. 


Questions? Call (916)749-1026 and select Option 1 or email

Student IDs

All students will receive an ID printed at the time of the photoshoot. 11 seconds to print and your student will walk out with a free ID. No more waiting for weeks and weeks.  

Purchase Optional

All picture packages will be shipped to your home. No more returning to pick them up at NHA.  There is never an obligation to buy anything.  



October is Spirit Month

Theme days each week. Participation is optional.

October 3: Go vintage.  Pick a decade and dress the part for Decades Day.

October 10: A day to do what homeschoolers do better than anyone - have school in their pajamas!  Pajamas should be modest and appropriate for school.

October 18: Crazy Hat or Crazy Hair day - you choose.

October 24: If you participate in a sport, wear your team jersey.  If you have a favorite national team, wear your team colors or fan gear.  If you participate in clubs (4-H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Awana, etc.) wear your uniform. 

October 31: Students can dress up as their favorite character or wear their favorite costume.  All outfits should have themes that are age-appropriate for our youngest students, age 4, and should be functional enough that they do not inhibit the ability to participate fully in class. 

Crossing Coffee

The Crossing coffee bar will be open each Tuesday from 11 - 1.  They have a full menu of hot, cold, and blended drinks as well as select snacks.

Some of the Door Prizes for Orientation

Some of the Games for
Teen Club

The Lego sets & Tablets are here!

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