AT NHA, we like to say we have a hand not a handbook. Our 3 rules can be summarized in 5 words - one for each finger. Please be sure all students are aware of these three rules.
1. Respect
Respect the facility: our use is a privilege and anyone abusing that privilege will be asked to leave.
Respect staff
Respect students and adults
Dress in such a way so as to show self-respect
2. Be Kind
Follow the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
3. No Running
The hallways in the facility have blind corners and running invites collisions.
Participation in our classes is a privilege. We reserve the right to revoke that privilege at the discretion of the administration. We will do our best to work with all students and families but in the event we are unable to accommodate a student, the student will be dropped from classes.
All families must agree to our Community Values Statement and sign our Waiver and Release of Liability as a condition of enrollment. The Community Values Statement can be found here:
Community Values Statement
Students in grades 7 to 12 are required to sign our student agreement. The standards of conduct in this agreement apply to all students and younger students may sign at parent's discretion.
Student Agreement
Enrollment is open to all those homeschooling or interested in homeschooling. Before enrolling, please contact the director (info@hackschooling.net) with any questions.
Students may enroll in classes one grade level above or below their current grade but acceptance will be subject to instructor approval.
Application for Enrollment
To participate in classes, all families need to complete an enrollment application and sign the release of liability. This is typically done in mid-August and does not need to be completed before online enrollment which happens in July. This must be completed before students attend classes as this serves as our emergency contact form.
Enrollment Application/Liability Waiver
The information provided on the Enrollment Form is for NHA use only. To protect privacy, the information may not be reproduced or distributed to any organization or person outside NHA, except that some or all of it may be included in the NHA Roster. Misuse of the Roster or the Enrollment Form information will be grounds for termination from NHA.
Refund Policy
For semester long classes, your child can attend and pay for up to two classes with no penalty for withdrawing. After that, the semester needs to be paid in full (Purchase Orders/Vouchers OK) and no refunds will be issued. Monthly payment plans will be considered on a case by case basis but all students commit to pay tuition for the full semester as a condition of enrollment.
Absences for any reason will not constitute a refund.
Parental Supervision
We are often asked if parents need to stay on campus with their children. When children are in engaged in a class, parents are free to stay or leave. When children have time between classes, the policy will depend upon the grade level of the student.
For TK-3rd grade students who attend class at River City Baptist Church, students will need to be supervised by a parent or other adult of record anytime they are not in a class. Students in back to back classes will be escorted from one class to the next as a group and they will also have a scheduled lunch time together. Parents do not need to come for lunch or to transition a child to the next class. Children who will not attend the next class period should be picked up at the classroom door following each class.
For students in 3rd - 8th grades, direct supervision must be provided by a parent or another adult arranged by the parent during any class period for which a student is not enrolled in a class between 10 AM & 4 PM. Direct supervision is defined as line of sight monitoring of student(s). The 30 minute lunch break from 12-12:30 PM is monitored by NHA staff and does not require parental supervision. Parents whose children have free periods are encouraged to partner with other parents to provide the necessary supervision.
For high school students, we are happy to consider unsupervised free periods between classes on a case by case basis.